Embark on a journey through the captivating history of the Titanic. Our online museum and articles tell the story of the Titanic through artifacts, memorabilia, and information.
There were two inquiries into the Titanic disaster in the months following what happened. The American inquiry was conducted by a US Senate committee and the British inquiry was conducted by the Board of Trade led by Lord Mersey. These are some items related to those inquiries.
Hello, my name is Joshua Noble. I have been interested in the Titanic since I was 6 years old and have been passionate about continuing the memory of the ship, her passengers, and crew ever since. This website is one of my ways of doing that and I hope to be adding to and expanding to it in the future. I hope you enjoy and learn from what is available on this site, just as I have learned from all of it.
If you would like to give some feedback or have questions, feel free to reach out!